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    differentiate between

    1. Kara moved her head gingerly on the pillow trying to differentiate between the bruising and the vague migraine aftermath … no, it was only bruising now

    2. I don’t know how it works but I can usually differentiate between you being upset about some outside agency, like today, and you having an accident or something

    3. Having been raised in their society gave her the unique ability to be able to differentiate between the different types of Scathers

    4. Some are easy but others are so similar it is not always possible for me to differentiate between them

    5. should be no way to differentiate between the envelopes or copies of the

    6. This is probably something of an outdated suggestion nowadays, but the functionality is still there in autorepsonders to differentiate between the two

    7. Not only that but this was another battle that had ended with men killed for a few yards of earth sometimes it was hard to differentiate between who we would sooner kill the Turks or the Staff Officers

    8. The lesson is it will not work in Africa or anywhere else without massive manpower commitments and the technology to differentiate between animals and humans

    9. …(that is to say) particularly striking to the casual observer is an inability to differentiate between generations whose phonic accents and (ethnic) customs and forms seem to suggest an unwillingness to integrate into the mainstream…

    10. Maybe we should differentiate between the practical applications to obtain Justice and the search for Justice which is not the same

    11. I find that many don’t differentiate between the two but it comes down to what is usable in court and what is of a more general nature and not to be used in court

    12. They had to be able to smell their prey, and differentiate between grass and weeds

    13. They also can’t seem to differentiate between a wealthy ‘Farang’ or an impoverished one or understand that a large majority of ‘Farangs’ who live in Thailand do so because they can’t afford to live in the West


    15. What did that stupid woman know? She couldn’t differentiate between black and

    16. differentiate between the value of traffic from different sources – and therefore

    17. 3 We are utterly at a loss to differentiate between his practice of self-limiting his divine consciousness and his technique of concealing his preknowledge and thought discernment from his human associates

    18. I could even differentiate between that of horses, swine and cattle

    19. the mind becomes able to differentiate between the original situation which caused the fear and similar situations which lack the feared element

    20. comma following the first (and only) item so that Python can differentiate between a tuple and a pair of parentheses surrounding the object in an expression i

    21. This terminology is important because it helps us to differentiate between functions and variables which are separate by itself and those which belong to a class or object

    22. Couldn’t they be coincidences? Computers can’t really differentiate between … ah … that accurately

    23. Best of all he liked to differentiate between hard and soft nose bullets, imagining the impact and resulting damage just behind the shoulder, or, if the head was momentarily raised the explosive entry at the point the neck sat on the fore-legs

    24. For example, most men can name only 11 colors (women can name about 15), but can differentiate between over a million colors when placed next to each other

    25. decisions, most models will not differentiate between types of bankruptcy because of the

    26. didn’t really differentiate between those who were passionate about

    27. I’d say to call me Will but then we wouldn’t be able to differentiate between me and the boy

    28. It is often hard to differentiate between the two because there are so many similarities

    29. Without the distinguishing ability of the Neo-Cortex, the limbic and reptilian brains do not have the ability to differentiate between reality and what it sees on television

    30. So a blind can’t differentiate between his touching of a fish and a snake, he doesn’t recognize that he is touching now a snake or a fish

    31. Many Verse s of the holy Qur’an command us to get the light of God so as to differentiate between good and bad, wrong and right

    32. differentiate between the two

    33. The first way to differentiate between obstructive and restrictive disease is to look at the TLC (Total Lung Capacity)

    34. It was very difficult to differentiate between the three of them

    35. Many of today’s young listeners simply can’t differentiate between what is right, wrong, acceptable, or unacceptable

    36. ability to differentiate between the end of one turn and

    37. Stone's sheep, the larger, can be found in several colors, unlike the Dall, which is smaller, and always white, thus making it easier to differentiate between them

    38. To safely differentiate between the two sub-species while actually out hunting, is impossible

    39. They don't differentiate between a fatal shot to the heart, from the side, or an equally fatal shot, that destroys the internal organs, taken from behind

    40. I could not differentiate between the two, even if I wished to

    41. As there was no substantial difference between hunter and warrior at that time, it means that, from a modern perspective, any attempt to differentiate between them would be pointless

    42. There is no absolute point that you can find to differentiate between anything

    43. We see ourselves as a privileged species, as all-powerful: capable of manipulating, segmenting, separating… able to separate any thing and everything, able to differentiate between anything and everything: and not seeing anything fundamentally wrong in doing so

    44. Visible light as it is absorbed or reflected in relation to atom structures allows humans to differentiate between the different structure and functions of atom energy

    45. The cosmos does not differentiate between the two

    46. They named him ‘ranger’” She sighed “Obviously Aadil was very young to differentiate between a dream and reality but Tanmay figured out, that he was seeing future in his dreams

    47. Over time, an allergic person learns to differentiate between an allergy and a cold, based on a variety of factors

    48. “Without the proper equipment, or at least a trained psychiatrist to spend years working with regressive hypnosis, you’d get a hodgepodge of new, artificial memories and the old, genuine ones with no way to differentiate between them

    49. Since the PICA Owl had built had been loaded with a duplicate of Nimue Alban’s memories and personality, the AI had been forced to find a way to differentiate between the different iterations of her

    50. Even in the Army of God, there were those beginning to differentiate between the Grand Inquisitor and Mother Church

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